Berkeley Research Administrators Group (BRAG)

BRAG meeting Photo

Mission and Purpose 

The mission of the Berkeley Research Administrators Group (BRAG) is to provide a forum for collegial interaction in the research administration community. We do this by facilitating presentations by subject matter experts, creating an environment to foster peer-to-peer exchanges, and seeking and sharing best practices.


BRAG is a forum for discussion and sharing of problems, information and best practices that Berkeley research administrators encounter during their not-so-routine workday. Any employee of the Regents of the University of California is invited to become an Active Member of BRAG.

It should be understood that, during discussion, solutions of practices might be put forward that are not appropriate for everyone. It is our hope that members will voice any desired corrections or clarifications, but will do so in a kind and respectful manner.

Additionally, members should understand that with research administration there often is no one correct practice or solution, only what is reasonable and works well for a particular unit.

The discussions are meant to be food for thought. Please eat with discrimination and care.

Join BRAG!!!

Join the BRAG Email List.

Meeting Agendas and Recordings


  • Lasana Hotep, Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

BRAG photo


Officers/Steering Committee

Contact us!

Brenda Naputi
VCR Financial Analyst 

Constanza Rodriguez
Berkeley Regional Services, ProS Region

Daniel Ettlinger
Berkeley Regional Services, SHARE Region

Erin McGee
Berkeley Regional Services, ProS Region

Hannah Holloway (co-chair)
Berkeley Regional Services, SHARE Region

Sabina Gafarova
Sponsored Projects Office

Kate Lewis (co-chair)
Industry Alliances Office

Sanchita Pal
Berkeley Regional Services, ERSO Region

Sarah Gaugler
Berkeley Regional Services, ERSO Region

Sonya Griffin
Berkeley Regional Services, SHARE Region

Susan Gardner
Berkeley Regional Services, ProS Region

Varun Bhatnagar
Contracts and Grants Accounting